
Monday, April 9, 2012

Amanda Hocking Has Unleashed a Monster Within Me

I have been consumed with the Amanda Hocking phenomenon.  I'm reading her blog posts and I have her Kindle versions of Switched and My Blood Approves.  I think it's awesome to read her early blog posts from two years ago when she was just starting out.  She has inspired me to do something I have always wanted to do but never thought I could.  Being able to put my work into the hands of the public without the traditional methods of publishing is mind numbing.  I have nothing against publishing houses.  I hope to partner with one someday.  But the idea of not having to wait for that day before getting in front of readers is so very exciting.

I just want to Write Write Write...

Now all I have to do is create some things to offer people to read.  That's the easy part, right?  Maybe not so easy.  But it's already very satisfying.  I want to hurry up and have a finished product to publish.  To think of developing a following of people who are entertained and inspired by something I've written seems like a dream that is just too good to be true.

But having the example of Amanda and other successful self-published authors gives me hope.  I can't help feeling I'm sort of late to the party, but it's still amazing to think of the potential for being widely read by the world.

So for now I will continue to write as fast as I can while maintaining the integrity and quality of my book.  I take this very seriously, so I want to provide a quality experience for my readers.

In related news...

I read The Hunger Games last year.  I thought they did alright with the movie.  It seemed to flow pretty well and the casting and set design was close to my imagination.  They filmed the indoor scenes in my hometown at an old cigarette manufacturing plant, Philip Morris in Concord, NC.  That was cool.  I wish I could have seen all that up close.  Maybe for the sequels...

Bye for now!

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